As If Divorcing Parents Didn’t Have Enough To Worry About


As if divorcing parents didn’t have enough to worry about already, a recent study, out of the University of Toronto, indicates that children of divorce are much more likely to become smokers as adults. According to the study, males of divorced parents are 48% more likely to smoke and female children had a 39% greater chance of becoming adult smokers. Though the study di not attempt to create a causal relationship between the two occurrences, it is likely that some children may later turn to smoking as a coping technique to regulate unresolved stress and emotions. One way that parents can help to minimize the traumatic effect on children is to provide as smooth and amicable process as possible with the help of a lawyer in Cedar Rapids, IA who specializes in mediated and peaceful divorces.

Though, of course, you cannot always control what your children will do once they become adults, you do have some control over the ways in which your divorce will affect them. Children who are exposed to constant fighting, a parent who is continually undermining the integrity of the other parent, or children who are used as pawns in divorce battles tend to deal with more unresolved emotions later in life. Your divorce lawyer Cedar Rapids, IA can help to alleviate such issues by working with you towards a resolution that is fair and in which everyone’s interests are served.

One of the issues in a divorce that often threatens to become the most volatiles is the division of property. However, when the two parents can sit down with a divorce lawyer who is trained to arbitrate such considerations, it is possible to reasonably and rationally come to an agreement of the fair and equitable distribution of the couple’s assets. Such deliberations can be especially helped with the divorce attorney is able to remind the two parents that, at least in one respect, they still share a common goal which is the wellbeing of their children and their desire to see their children mature into well-adjusted adults.

Another area in which such an approach can be extremely helpful is when it comes to custody arrangements, visitation, and child support payments. Again, an experienced divorce mediation attorney Iowa can help this process to go as smoothly as possible so that conflicts and hostilities are kept to a minimum.

If you would like the best possibility of avoiding the kinds of issues that can cause problems for children in the long run, contact a divorce lawyer in Cedar Rapids, IA, today who will be able to arbitrate you divorce in a way that benefits all involved.